Phone: 512-739-0214


Dear Visitor,

At Leap to Success we pride ourselves on providing professional, pro bono services to Austin-area nonprofit organizations while also garnering greater interest in Launchpad Job Club – Austin’s #1 networking organization for job-seeking professionals. Our main focus at Leap to Success is to promote the talents of the membership of Launchpad Job Club to non-profit organizations by assisting those organizations in addressing issues the average non-profit does not have the expertise, the time, or the budget to address.

Projects accepted by Leap to Success range from addressing software issues – re-configuring a database; tweaking a website; creating an application specifically addressing the needs of the non-profit – to PR and marketing assistance for upcoming fundraising campaigns or events/galas. Our financial professionals work with nonprofits to create business plans or consult on best practices regarding business development.

Since Leap to Success is an organization of professional businessmen and women our organization does not accept projects involving clerical work, manual labor, or long-term projects or campaigns for which the volunteer should be receiving compensation. We instead focus on projects that can be completed in a 4 to 6-week timeframe with our volunteers committing no more than 10 hours per week to a project as the main focus for a member of Leap to Success/Launchpad Job Club should be his/her job search.

It is our privilege and honor at Leap to Success to be of assistance to deserving area non-profit organizations who, in turn, appreciate the expertise and guidance of experienced Austin professionals. Not only is there great satisfaction in knowing our efforts have addressed the needs of deserving organizations, there is even greater satisfaction knowing those members of Leap to Success who assist area non-profits have been hired by Austin-area employers and employers on the national and international stages based directly upon their involvement with Leap to Success. A true win-win for all.

If your organization would like to learn more about Leap to Success, or you are a job-seeking professional hoping to boost your resume through pro bono project work, please visit the “Contact” section of our website.




Shannon Mantrom
Executive Director, Leap to Success!

Latest Projects

Success Stories

Everything was a huge hit! Everyone loved the new logo and all of the collateral materials. The Clinics were thrilled that we had used their pictures. I hope I get the opportunity to work with this great organization again in the future - it was such a pleasure!

- Jody Hopkins
TX Assoc of Charitable Clinics

Contact Info

Launch Pad Job Club
P. O. Box 9113
Austin TX 78766-9113
Phone: (512) 739-0214



ALL Projects need a Project Manager to oversee project.
(PMP certification not required.)
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