National Volunteer Caregiving Network
- Creation of video on website home page promoting volunteering with the organization featuring Austin’s Time Warner Cable Meteorologist, Rich Segal
- Creation of an online volunteer orientation in the program “Captivate”
Settlement Home for Children
The Settlement Home for Children promotes healing and growth in children, young adults and families by providing a continuum of care, support and resources.
- De-programming ("wiping") of 20 older computers removing client information
- Separation of wireless networks - residence buildings separated from main office and conference center
PeopleFund creates economic opportunity and financial stability for underserved people by providing access to capital, education and resources to build healthy small businesses.
- Creation of database application that maps economic zones compatible with 2010 census tracking
- Leap to Success winner of PeopleFund's 2013 "Non-Profit Community Advocate" award for above project
Austin Latino Film Association
- Creation of business plan leading to 501(c)(3) status for the organization
Colin’s Hope
Coin's Hope raises water safety awareness to prevent children from drowning.
- Written content for icons on "Water Safety Awareness" page of website
Center for Survivors of Torture
Center for Survivors of Torture provides healing for international survivors of torture and trauma through counseling and related services.
- Re-creation of key marketing brochure
- Major donation of used cell phones and clothes from Launch Pad Job Club members