Below are organizations who have an ongoing need for volunteers. Please contact the organization directly if you wish to share your time and talents.
Focus of Nonprofit: PeopleFund provides small business loans as well as business assistance and education to people with otherwise limited access to such resources. Since being founded in east Austin in 1994 as Austin Community Development Corporation, PeopleFund’s financial and educational assistance has helped create thousands of jobs and empowered an even greater number of Texans on a path to financial stability and independence.
Volunteer Need: Accountants willing to volunteer in either capacity below:
- One-to-One Mentorship – As a One-to-One Mentor, you will be matched with a local small business owner or nonprofit director to assist with technical aspects of their operation where you will have the opportunity to leverage your expertise and talent to help them build healthy growth models.
- Business Education Workshops – Leading a workshop for clients and community members provides a forum to share valuable information in your field of expertise and engage a network of local entrepreneurs and interested parties.
If this is a volunteer opportunity that is of interest to you and is a good match for your skills and background, please contact:
Tassjania Lozano
Education and Training Specialist
W 512.220.3775
Referred by Shannon Mantrom, Executive Director of Leap to Success